Yes! I'm donating my hair!


I am someone who believes in karma and I really think...what goes around, comes around! I have been feeling very blessed lately and in return, I've been feeling the need to give back. You'll hear more about all of that soon. But, I hope you all know what I mean by that. I just always want to feel like I am trying my best to do good for others, to help people in anyway that I can! I feel like this is just one small way I can help make a big difference in someone's life. compendium5page
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Today I read up a lot on the Beautiful Lengths program! They work in partnership with the American Cancer Society and their wigs go to adult woman who have lost hair due to cancer treatments. This touches very close to home with me! It feels like just yesterday that my aunt passed away after battling breast cancer. I could never put into words all the ways that she did, and still does inspire me every day!

Ever since, donating my hair has always been something I wanted to do. So...I'm going to do it! You can all follow along on my journey here. I'm going to be updating on here in hopes that it will inspire other people as well! Hair is one of those things that people just tend to attach to, I can assure you I am one of those people! I have always had long hair! But I'm not backing out, once I set my mind on something, you can pretty much consider it done! :)

 Another thing I want to point out about the Beautiful Lengths program is that their requirement is just 8 inches! This came as a big surprise to me because I know Locks of Love is 10 inches, which either way...8 inches...10 inches...that's a lot of hair! But, for those of thinking you couldn't do 10, maybe Beautiful Lengths would be a better choice for you. I honestly would love to donate to either of these organization, but I feel more connection to one. Find an organization that feels like the right match to you..and do it! If you decide to and care to share your story or photos, go ahead and leave your info below, I would love to add it if you'd like! :)
pantene beautiful lenghts


  1. Wonderful Holly! I have donated my hair twice with my little sister!

  2. I just donated my hair for the first time today! It does feel good!
